“Vuelta a lo humano”: José Díaz Fernández e la generazione del 1930
The 1920s and 1930s are a period of extraordinary flourishing in Spanish culture. In particular, the 1920s are characterized by the great popularity of the literary avant-gardes and of their “spiritual chief”, the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset. His essay La deshumanización del arte is a sort of manifesto which proposes an art for art’s sake, as far as possible from human aspects and disregarding social issues. Against this literary trend, lean out some intellectuals defined as the "1930 generation", "novelistas sociales" or novelists of the new romanticism, definition taken from a collection of articles by José Díaz Fernández who, without leaving the aesthetic canons of the literary avant-garde, proposes an art "rehumanized", of denunciation, attentive to social issues and people's problems. They are also called "pre-war novelists" because the Spanish civil war will fatally break through any literary debate in favor of more pressing issues
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