News and Call for Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS – Vol. 7(2)/2022


Conflicts and Social Movements

Deadline for papers submission: 30 September2022

The war broken out in Eastern Europe and the reactions that it has provoked in the entire world require scholars to make new reflections on conflicts. A topic that merits to be explored is the relation between conflicts and social movements. Since the dawn of time, indeed, conflicts have eased the rise of social movements and, specularly, movements have often caused conflicts.

Of course, conflicts must not be understood only in military terms, but also under the cultural, social and political point of view. Furthermore, conflicts are both international and national: in the first case, the main form is war, whereas in the second case, since the Nineteenth century the most frequent contraposition has been that between capital and labour. However, in the Twentieth century new kinds of conflicts and movements have arisen, thanks to the development and the modernization of society. Think, for example to the gender issues or to the ecologist movements emerged all over the world, as well as to the conflicts they have provoked. Often, movements and conflicts have crossed the national borders, assuming a trans-national dimension. 

Moreover, they have been narrated and re-narrated in different ways and frequently the narrative arisen during the conflicts have been modified in the following years. Media have played an essential role not only in narrating conflicts and social movements, but also in determining their features.

The issue 7(2) of the Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge will focus on conflicts and social movements and their continuous interactions. The Journal will welcome proposals about the following issues:

  • Conflicts generated by social movements;
  • Social movements caused by conflicts;
  • Interactions among social movements;
  • Trans-national character of movements and conflicts;
  • New movements arisen in the XX century;
  • Narrative and representation of conflicts and social movements.

As usual, the Journal is open to contributions proposed by scholars of different background, belonging to all Social Sciences and Humanities. 

Submission of Papers

E-mail your papers by 30 September 2022 as an e-mail attachment to:

It is not necessary to send an abstract in advance. However, the authors who intend to submit their papers are requested to inform the Editorial Board within 30 June 2022, possibly indicating the title of their article.

In accordance to the policy of the Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge, all papers will be submitted to double blind peer review. 

Papers must respect the editorial rules of the Journal:

The publication of the issue is expected in December 2022.

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