List of publications 2015-2020

The ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge publishes three editorial products, all availbale in digital format, in open access on the website

  • a journal of studies and research “Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge” (ISSN: 2499-930X);
  • a book series “Mediterranean, Knowledge and Heritage”, equipped with ISBN (978-88-9962-ab-c);
  • a series of Working Papers Series, equipped with ISSN (2464-9538). Each year, the essays are collected in a book equipped with ISBN.

1. Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge (ISSN: 2499-930X)

Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge-JMK promotes theoretical and empirical debates in the fields human and social sciences, with a multidisciplinary approach. More to the point, JMK wants to be a forum on history, society and culture of the Mediterranean region, including its relations with the rest of the world. A dialogue that wants to be thought-provoking and free from disciplinary boundaries. 

Each issue is divided into three sections: Themes and Perspectives (a monographic section focusing on specific topics); Comments and Debates; Reviews and Report.

JMK only accepts manuscripts in English. Each manuscript is subject to double-blind peer review.

The Journal is published twice a year (June and December) and is accredited to ANVUR in two scientific areas:

AREA 11: Historical, philosophical, pedagogical, and psychological sciences;

AREA 14: Political and social science.

The Journal is currently host, besides the website, in the repository of the University of Salerno, EleA@Unisa, which in turn is present in the major European platforms: Roar – Registry of Open Access Repositories; OpenDOAR -the Directory of Open Access Repositories; Open AIRE.

The Journal is inserted in the following indexes and databases (see Indexing):

  • ACNP –  Catalogo italiano dei periodici
  • Biblioteca electronica de ciencia y tecnologia (Argentina)
  • British Library
  • DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals 
  • DRJI – Directory of Research Journals Indexing  
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • ERIH PLUS – European Reference Index for the Human e Social Sciences
  • ESSPER Periodici italiani di economia, scienze sociali e storia
  • Europub
  • JournalTOCs – the latest Journal Tables of Contents
  • National Digital Science Library of Korea
  • National Taiwan NormalUniversity
  • Publindex (Colombia official database)
  • ROAD –  Directory of Open Access scholarly resources
  • Ulrich’s Periodical Directory
  • World Cat  – The World’s Largest Library Catalog

Several academic search engines includes the articles published by the Journal. Among them:

  • BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
  • Google Scholar
  • HEAL link – Hellenic Academic Libraries link
  • JURN  – Search tool for open access content
  • PLEIADI – Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana

The procedure for the inclusion in other indexes and databases, including Web of Science, is in progress.

Published Issues

Vol. 1 (1) – 2016   Borders

Vol. 1 (2) – 2012   Interculturality

Vol. 2 (1) – 2017   Migrations and Diasporas, edited by Mar Gallego (Universidad de Huelva, España) & Estrella Gualda (Universidad de Huelva, España)

Vol. 2 (2) – 2017   Forgiveness

Vol. 3 (1) – 2018   Mediterranean and Migrations, edited by Teresa de Noronha (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal)

Vol. 3 (2) – 2018   Challenges of migration in context of cosmopolitan citizenship, edited by Flor María Avila Hernández (Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia)

Vol. 4 (1) – 2019   Sport and Integration, edited by Giuseppe D’Angelo (Università di Salerno)

Vol. 4 (2) – 2019   Artistic Strategies of Migration: Art as a Resistance or as a Reinsurance?, edited by Erik Berggren (Linköping University, Sweden) & Elsa Claire Gomis (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom)

Vol. 5 (1) – 2020   Policies on Violence Against Women in a Comparative Perspective, edited by Consuelo Corradi (LUMSA di Roma)

Vol. 5 (2) – 2020   Families and Generations in Migration Processes, edited by Isabella Crespi (Università di Macerata)

Planned Issues

Vol. 6 (1) – June 2021 –Interaction and Exchanges between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, edited by Giuseppe D’Angelo (Università di Salerno) & Erminio Fonzo (Università di Salerno)

Vol. 6 (2) – December 2021 –Exile, edited by Sandra Lorenzano (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) & Valentina Ripa (Università di Salerno);

2. Mediterranean, Knowledge, Culture and Heritage. Book Series

The Book Series Mediterranean, Knowledge, Culture, Heritage, published in electronic open access, is a permanent platform for discussion, experimentation and dissemination of research results. The series publishes both work of individual scholars and collective volumes.

Manuscripts are accepted in several languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish. Each manuscript is subject to double-blind peer review.

The book series  is currently host, besides the website, in the repository of the University of Salerno, EleA@Unisa, which in turn is present in the major European platforms: Roar – Registry of Open Access Repositories; OpenDOAR -the Directory of Open Access Repositories; Open AIRE.

Several academic search engines include books published by the series (see Indexing)

  • BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
  • Google Scholar
  • JURN  – Search tool for open access content
  • PLEIADI – Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana 

The procedure for the inclusion in other indexes and databases is in progress.

Published books

1)Beyond the Borders. The Mediterranean between Cultures, Migrations and Life-world, Mohamed Benguerna (CREAD, Algeri) & Emilliana Mangone (Università di Salerno) (editors), 2016, ISBN: 978-88-99662-00-4; DOI: 10.26409/2016MKbook01

2)Borders and Conflicts in the Mediterranean Basin, Giuseppe D’Angelo (Università di Salerno) & Jorge Martins Ribeiro (Univerisdade do Porto, Portugal), 2016, ISBN: 978-88-99662-01-1, DOI: 10.26409/2016MKbook02.

3)People and Goods on the Move. Merchants, Networks and Communication Routes in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean, Özlem Çaykent (29 Mayıs University, Istanbul) & Luca Zavagno (Bilkent University, Ankara) (editors), 2016, ISBN: 978-88-99662-02-8, DOI: 10.26409/2016MKboo03.

4)The Mediterranean: the Sea of Law, Aurora Vesto (UNISTRADA, Reggio Calabria) & Alberto Marchese (Università di Messina), 2017, ISBN: 978-88-99662-06-6, DOI: 10.26409/2017MKboo01.

5)On Migrants Routes in the Mediterranean. Political and Juridical Strategies, Giovanna Truda (Università di Salerno) & Jan Spurk (Université Paris Descartes – Sorbonne Paris Cité) (Editors), 2018, ISBN: 978-88-99662-07-3, DOI: 10.26409/2018MKboo01.

6)Mediterranean Mosaic. History and Art, Erminio Fondo (Università di Salerno) & Hilary A. Haakenson (California Polytechnic University, Pomona) (Editors), 2019, ISBN: 978-88-99662-08-0, DOI: 10.26409/2019MKboo01.

3. Working Papers Series

The Working Papers Series is platform of discussion, experimentation and dissemination of research results. The Series publishes results of ongoing studies, aiming at providing the first outcomes of research and allowing the scientific community to discuss them.

Manuscripts are accepted in several languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish). Each manuscript si submitted to double blind peer review.

The Working Papers Series is currently host, besides the website, in the repository of the University of Salerno, EleA@Unisa, which in turn is present in the major European platforms: Roar – Registry of Open Access Repositories; OpenDOAR – the Directory of Open Access Repositories; Open AIRE.

The Working Paper Series is inserted in the following databases (see Indexing)

DRJI – Directory of Research Journals Indexing 

ROAD –  Directory of Open Access scholarly resources

Several academic search engines include the articles published by the Working Paper Series:

BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

Google Scholar

JURN  – Search tool for open access content

PLEIADI – Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana.

The procedure for the inclusio in other indexes and databases is in progress.

Published Papers 

•Working Papers Series, Vol. 2015/2016, 1, ISBN:  978-88-99662-03-5.

-Mangone, E. (2015). I saperi del Mediterraneo per il futuro dell’Europa,pp. 5-50, DOI: 10.26409/2015WPSMK01. 

-Fidolini, V. (2016). Transition vers l’âge adulte et trajectoires d’individualisation. Une analyse des «modernités» à travers le cas du Maroc, pp. 51-66, DOI: 10.26409/2016WPSMK01.

-Colucciello, M. (2016). El español y sus confines. Diversidad y uniformidad, pp. 67-80, DOI: 10.26409/2016WPSMK02. 

-Çaykent, Ö. & Atay, M. (2016). Re-membering Borderless and Bordered Childhood in Cyprus : A Case Study on the Limits and Prospects of Oral Histories, pp. 81-102, DOI: 10.26409/2016WPSMK03. 

-Pece, E. (2016). Interculturalism in Italy : Is it merely a Language and Communication Problem?,pp. 103-116, DOI: 10.26409/2016WPSMK04. 

•Working Papers Series, Vol. 2017, 2, ISBN:  978-88-99662-04-2

-Novello Paglianti, N. & Truda, G. (2017). Changer les attitudes contre la violence de genre: culture, éducation et apprentissage mutuels, pp. 5-20, DOI: 10.26409/2017WPSMK01.

-Panico, A., Sibilla, M. & Zizza, A. (2017). The Migrant’s Gaze. A Survey on Mobility Factors Carried out in the Reception Centres of Taranto, pp. 21-46, DOI: 10.26409/2017WPSMK02. 

-Orazi S. (2017), Imperialism and national pride in the Italo-Turkish war (1911-12), pp. 47-65, DOI: 10.26409/2017WPSMK03. 

•Working Papers Series, Vol. 2018, 3, ISBN: 978-88-99662-09-7

-Naga, N. (2018), University-industry partnership. A key to Sustainable Development in Algeria: “Return to an experience”, pp. 5-16, DOI: 10.26409/2018WPSMK01

-Donato, S. (2018), Migration and Integration policies on social and labor market standpoints inside the European Union,pp. 17-48, DOI: 10.26409/2018WPSMK02

-Cava, A., Parito, M. & Pira, F. (2018), Beyond aesthetics of pity. Italian media representation of migrants and emotional audience, pp. 49-81, DOI: 10.26409/2018WPSMK03

-do Livramento Dias, M. & Sousa Anica, A.F. (2018), Illegal Emigration from the Eastern Algarve to Morocco during the Estado Novo, pp. 83-104, DOI: 10.26409/2018WPSMK04

-Mirshahvalad, M. (2018), How an Italian Amorphous Space Became a Twelver Shi’a Mosque, pp.(105-128), DOI: 10.26409/2018WPSMK05

•Working Papers Series, Vol. 2019, 4, ISBN: 978-88-99662-10-3

-Colombis, M. (2019), Il Bilancio di Genere nellʼottica della Responsabilità Sociale dʼImpresa: Il caso dellʼUniversità degli Studi di Salerno, pp. 5-33, DOI: 10.26409/2019WPSMK01

-Scocozza, G. & Sagnella, A. (2019), “La Catalogna in rivolta”. La semana trágica nelle pagine del Corriere della Sera, pp. 35-50, DOI: 10.26409/2019WPSMK02

•Working Papers Series, Vol. 2020, 5, ISBN: 978-88-99662-11-0

-Picarella, L. (2020), Entre participación no institucionalizada, influencia social e interactividad: la estrategia comunicativa del M5S, pp. 5-35, DOI: 10.26409/2020WPSMK01

-Cassani, A. (2020), Vuelta a lo humano: José Díaz Fernández e la generazione del 1930, pp. 37-52, DOI: 10.26409/2020WPSMK02

-Scocozza, C. (2020), Prove di Soft Power russo nello spazio post-sovietico, pp. 53-72, DOI: 10.26409/2020WPSMK03

-Simon-Belli, C. (2020), Alcune riflessioni sul rapporto tra Islàm e democrazia, pp. 73-112 DOI: 10.26409/2020WPSMK04