
Art. 1 Aims and scope

The Centre aims at integrating research groups and other international, national and local bodies engaged in analysis and research on different forms of knowledge and in their circulation inside the Mediterranean basin. The target is building tools of knowledge for planning, managing and evaluating local actions able to produce a positive impact on on the relations between the peoples living on the Mediterranean shores and to favour a better mutual understanding.

For the implementation of its activities, the Centre will interact with universities, research institutes, public and private bodies able to contribute to the achievement of the purposes, also through specific didactical activities and research.

Art. 2 Activities

The purposes in art. 1 shall be pursued by the following activities:

  • Promoting international action-research projects, which enable comparative studies about the evolution of methods and tools of circulation of the knowledge and, particularly, of the Mediterranean cultural heritage;
  • Organizing an international congress about “Knowledge of the Mediterranean”, which will be held each year at one of the Research Units;
  • Organizing seminars on specific topics, allowing scholars and local actors to exchange knowledge and views;
  • Implementing projects of high education (such as master’s programs and PhDs), connected with the subjects related to the “Mediterranean knowledge”.
  • Hosting postgraduate students (PhD and post PhD), for the elaboration of their dissertations.
  • Publishing journals, books and essays, directed not only to the scientific community, but also to local actors and decision makers. Research activities shall be extensive and articulated, aiming at creating research products of international standing and contributing, in an original, innovative and science-based way, to the progress of the state of the art of the involved sectors.

The Centre can offer services to public and private bodies by drafting specific agreements.

The Centre can join international, national and local projects, promoted by public and private bodies.

Art. 3 Main administrative office and structure

The main administrative office of the Centre is located at the University of Salerno, Department of Human, Philosophic and Formation Sciences (DISUFF). At the expiration of the present agreement, the office could be moved to another affiliated university or body, upon majority decision of the Governing Council.

For the development of its activities, the Centre is structured in Research Units, located at the associated universities, research institutes and other public and private bodies, according to the art. 4.

The activities are implemented by the Research Units, also in cooperation with other research bodies or groups, in accordance with the guidelines proposed by the Scientific Committee, according to the art. 8.

Art. 4. Affiliation of Research Units

Each university, research institute and public or private body can join the Centre by establishing a Research Unit, composed by scholars specialized on the topics of the Centre.

The affiliation of new universities, research institutes and public or private bodie shall be formalised through amendments to the present convention, following a favourable opinion of the Governing Council.

Art. 5. Affiliation of Members

Research Units are autonomous in the selection of their own members. Individual scholars, either members or non-members of universities, research institutes and public or private bodies affiliated to the Centre, can join a Research Unit following favourable opinion of its members.

Research Units shall communicate the list of their members of the Director and the Governing Council, updating them about any variation

Art. 6 Authorities

Authorities of the Centre are:

  • The Director;
  • The Governing Council;
  • The Scientific Committee;
  • The Chairman of the Scientific Committee.

 Art. 7 The Director

The Director is appointed by the Rector of the university where the main administrative office of the Centre is located, upon proposal of the Governing Council. The Director serves for a term of three years and may be re-elected.

The Director promotes and coordinates the activities of the Centre. More specifically, the Director:

  • is responsible for institutional relationships;
  • is a member of the Governing Council;
  • calls the meetings of the Governing Council and promotes its activities;
  • is responsible for the fulfilment of the purposes of the Centre;
  • signs contracts and agreements;
  • submits to the Governing Council, for examination and approval, all that is under jurisdiction of this authority – related to the administrative and financial managing – under the rules in force at the university where the main office of the Centre is located;
  • presents an yearly report on the activities of the Centre to the Scientific Committee;
  • monitors the general operation of the Centre.

 Art. 8 The Governing Council

The Governing Council serves for a term of three years and is composed by a member for each Research Unit, by the Director and by the Chairman of the Scientific Committee.

The Governing Council meets at least once a year , upon call of the Director, who chairs it, or upon request of one third of the members.

Meetings are valid if half plus one of the members is present and can be held by electronic means. Excused absentees are excluded from the calculation.

The Governing Council act by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Director has the casting vote.

The Governing Council:

  • proposes the appointment of the Director to the Rector of the university where the main office of the Centre is located;
  • acts on the activities of the Centre, according to the guidelines proposed by the Scientific Committee;
  • acts on the amendments to the present Statute and additional instruments;
  • acts on the administrative and financial management, under the rules in force at the university where the main office of the Centre is located;
  • Acts on the affiliation of new Research Units, referred to the § 4;
  • acts on location and management of the equipment of the Centre;
  • acts on any other matter submitted to it by the Director.

Art. 9 The Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is composed of a member from each Research Unit, appointed by the Research Unit itself, and can include external expert and/or scholars of great renown, upon proposal of the Governing Council

The Scientific Committee shall elect a Chairman, who chairs and coordinates the meetings.

The Scientific Committee has tasks of guidance and is called by the Chairman, regularly once a year  and whenever the summons is requested by one third of the members or by the Director

Meetings are valid if at least half of the members plus one is present. Meetings can be hold by telematic means.

The Committee shall act by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

The Scientific Committee:

  • acts on the guidelines of the Centre’s activities;
  • promotes initiatives for the scientific dissemination and the coordination of the activities;
  • exercises its advisory functions on any subject submitted by the Governing Council.

Art. 10 The Chairman of the Scientific Committee

The Chairman of the Scientific Committee is elected by the Scientific Committee, serves for a term of three years and may be re-elected.

The Chairman of the Scientific Committee chairs and coordinates the meetings of the Scientific Committee. More specifically the Chairman:

  • is member of the Governing Council;
  • assists the Director in the performance of his tasks;
  • ensures that the activities are implemented in compliance with the guidelines established by the Scientific Committee;
  • acts for collecting additional funds for pursuing the objectives of the Centre.

Art. 11 Use of premises, equipment and staff

Universities, research institutes and other public or private bodies affiliated to the Centre can assign to the Centre premises and equipment for the pursuit of the institutional purposes.

The equipment shall be located and managed in conformity with the rules in force at the concerned universities

For the implementation of its activities the Centre can count on the affiliated staff and also on:

  • scholarship holders and research fellows;
  • fellows seconded by public and private bodies;
  • contractual staff for the provision of technical and organizational services.

Art. 12 Funding and administration

The Centre acts through public and private funding

For the accounting and administrative management, the Administrative and Accounting Regulation of the institution where the main administrative office of the Centre is located apply.

As the Centre does not have managerial and administrative autonomy, each Research Unit carries out the ordinary activities on the basis of its own sources of funding.

Art. 13 Term and termination

The present agreement shall enter into force on the date of signing and is valid for a term of six (6) years, is renewable for an equivalent term by written agreement between the parties, approved by the respective authorities.

The withdrawal of a Research Unit shall be acceptable, by notice of termination sent at least three months before the expiry of the present agreement .

Art. 14 Termination of the Centre

The Centre will terminate:

  • for the achievement of its purposes;
  • for the expiry of the term;
  • for supervening impediments due to serious and persistent reasons.

The termination is declared by the Rector of the university where the main administrative office of the Centre is located. In this event, the Director shall send to the Rector the statement of the financial position of the Centre.

In the event of termination of the Centre, properties and funds shall remain owned by the affiliated Universities or by the Departments in charge of them.

Art. 15 Amendments to the Agreement

Amendments to the present agreement shall be approved by an absolute majority of the Governing Council and shall be submitted to the affiliated universities, for approval of their respective decision-making bodies.

 Art. 16 Reference rules

All that is not expressly mentioned in the present statute shall be defined by special regulations, in accordance with the Statute and with the regulations of the university where the main administrative office of the Centre is located

Art. 17 Disputes

For any dispute arisen among the parts about the application, the interpretation, the implementation and/or the validity of the present agreement, if the parties are not able to solve the dispute in a friendly way, the competent court is that having jurisdiction over the main administrative office of the Centre.