Interculturalism in Italy: Is it merely a Language and Communication Problem?
It is unthinkable today not to promote or encourage intercultural communication, it being the only alternative to conflict: a dialogic interaction designed to promote all the instances in the game and to achieve equilibrium points that are recognized by the parties involved. It is necessary to activate transformation processes in the subjects' cognitive system, so that they experience occurrences as a synthesis and reinterpretation of several cultures. Indeed, the presence of different cultures leads to the construction of new cultural identities, either multi- or trans-ethnic ones, and multiculturalism is a multidimensional process of interaction between people with different cultural identities, who, through the meeting of cultures, live a deep and complex conflict/reception experience, as a valuable opportunity for their personal growth, from the standpoint of changing everything that creates an obstacle to the construction of a new civil society.
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