Hegel and the Experience of Forgiveness. Starting from the spirit of Christianity.

  • Eleonora Caramelli Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione Bologna University


This contribution intends to explore the theme of forgiveness starting from the role it plays in Hegelian philosophy - especially as it appears in the early text The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate and in the Phenomenology of Spirit - with the aim of emphasizing the specifically philosophical meaning of forgiveness. In the 1798-1799 text, in fact, forgiveness gains importance in relation to the comparison between the spirit of Judaism and that of Christianity. Starting from here, one can appreciate how, based on this theological background, the discussion that appears in the last section of the sixth chapter of the Phenomenology considers the experience of forgiveness as the paradigm of experience as such. In this sense, the moment of forgiveness is central insofar as it is a constitutively intersubjective experience. 

Author Biography

Eleonora Caramelli, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione Bologna University

Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione

Research Fellow


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Themes and perspectives