The Interference of the Mass media in the Intercultural Dialogue during the Emergency Landings in the Mediterranean: Between Reality and Representation

  • Francesca Ieracitano Department of Human Sciences- Lumsa University of Rome
  • Francesco Vigneri Department of Human Sciences - Lumsa University of Rome


The aim of the paper is to highlight the difficulties that characterise the intercultural dialogue in specific contexts and situations of emergency. The paper focuses on the interference of the mass media and their representations in the dynamics of the intercultural dialogue among emergency operators and migrants, at the borders .

These aspects will be examined relating the results of the researches carried out on the mass media representations of the landings and those obtained by the participating observation in the island of Lampedusa island, during the landings and the migrants’protestes.

The results show how the frames of the mass media representation in its alarmist/pietistic approach may be reiterated in the models of the intercultural dialogue between operators and migrants.


Keywords: Intercultural communication; mass media, migration, frame, landings 


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Themes and perspectives