North African migration in the Colombian Caribbean: political and commercial influence in the city of Barranquilla
This article will analyse the influence of Arab migration in the Colombian Caribbean and in particular in the city of Barranquilla, a city that at the end of the 19th century constituted the main and only important sea and river port in the country, through which many migrants entered, including the first ones coming from the Mediterranean in North Africa to Colombian soil. Through a qualitative methodology based on secondary sources and corroborated with primary sources, this study will allow us to verify how this important and historical meeting of cultures has exerted a level of influence from the political and commercial point of view in the Colombian Caribbean and in particular in the city of Barranquilla, highlighting their forms of commercialisation, identity adaptation, roles, social ascent and their institutional political positioning. The purpose of this study is to critically unravel what this meeting of cultures has meant for the evolution or regression of the city of Barranquilla, to achieve this it is undoubtedly required to make a tour of the most important aspects of this cultural confluence, delve into its causes and effects. It will surely be enveloping to highlight the influential dynamics in commercial and political matters, their social contexts at the time of this encounter, as well as their significance and value for the country of origin and city of destination.
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