Between local and general history. On the writings of Luigi Staibano (1822-1877)
The contribution left by Luigi Staibano to the local history of Amalfi coast is the main theme of this paper. In the past his works were not appreciated but today we can affirm the value of his micro – historical researches as a container of intresting antropological suggestions about this lands.
He was born into a wealthy family of lawyers and he lived between Maiori and Salerno during the second half of 19th century. Staibano was much more than a ‘failed historian’, he was a man of his time. The century of romanticism and Italian national unification influenced his works. Furthermore, the observation of his family’s blazon is also an important element in order to understand his behavior and point of view as a member of a certain human group.
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Archivio Comunale di Scala
Archivio Comunale di Salerno
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