The “American Way of Mobility”. The influence of the American model on traffic and mobility planning in Italy (1920-1960)∗
Mobility and traffic planning was an issue first tackled in Italy between the two major world conflicts as part of the broader theme of urban organization and with especial attention to the American model. It is in this moment that a significant change in the balance of urban planning culture takes place between Europe and the United States, with the latter becoming the model of reference. A typical example of this “importation” can be seen in the hierarchization of road users, a process that led to the exclusion of the weaker ones (pedestrians and bicyclists) in favor of the car. Following the Second World War, these tendencies are accentuated further as mass motorization, and its infrastructural frame, become an integral part of that ‘American way of life’. The present contribution aims to identify the most significant moments of this process as well as the dynamics stemming from the interaction between Italy and the United States in the exchange of the mobility planning model, in order to verify if the adoption of the American system, and consequently its infrastructural model for mobility, can be considered as a form of cultural subordination.
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